Monday, March 7, 2011

Why are LED lighting devices better than the traditional ones?

There is a continuous innovation in the display technology. The cathode ray tube based TVs or computer monitors are now giving way to the more advanced display lighting systems. These are the modern day liquid colour display and the light emitting diode technology based display lighting technologies. Companies like Sony are now fast outdating the CRT based display with the flat screen, practical LCD TV or the LED lighting technology based displays.

What makes LED so special? Why is its usage fast outstripping the demand of the CRT displays? There are many advantages which come with the LED. Some of these are the following:

1.Widespread use: LED lighting has been there for some decades now and is therefore a proven technology. Its use is not confined only to the TVs or ,monitors but is also being used extensively in different electronic and lighting devices like bulbs, telephones, and others.

2.Aesthetic appeal: The LED device creates a glow which is very soothing and warm. The earlier LED lighting devices produced a little harsh glow but this is not the case with the new ones. Technology has improved to produce the warm and soft glow.

3.Energy-efficient: This is one of the greatest benefits of these devices that these consume less power to produce the same type of lighting brightness. This not only saves you money by reducing your electricity consumption but also saves the energy.

4.Long lasting: The LED based products have greater life. Whether it is the bulbs or the TVs or even the monitors, the LED products are long lasting. These can work without glitch for years. You do not have to be in trouble for replacing them often as in case of the incandescent bulbs. These are also better than the CRT based TVs who had this problem of malfunctioning tube. The modern LCD TV have life in tens of thousands of hours.

5.Score over CFL: You must not confuse the LED with the CFL lighting devices. The latter contains mercury which makes it necessary to handle it with extreme care. The presence of mercury makes them dangerous to use. These are therefore very environment unfriendly.

6.Do not heat up: The LED lighting devices does not heat up even after using them for several hours. The incandescent lights and the CFL can get hearted within a few minutes but not the LED ones.

7.Constant light throughout their life: The light of the LED devices is of same intensity all through their lifetime. These do not get dim. In fact, they fade only when these are at the end of their very long lifetime.

All these factors make the light emitting diode based lighting devices extremely popular, especially among those who want to reduce their monthly electricity bills as well as are conscious of the damage to environment. These might be more expensive than the traditional ones but when their advantages are considered, these are found to be more practical.

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